DIEZMA Frontend Developer and Graphic Designer

- My Story -

Professional Me

From print to screen

Hi there, my name is Jesus; I'm a curious person. I'm passionate about technology, design, art, experimenting and coding. I'm always interested in anything related to the creative process. I've just graduated as a web developer from Ironhack Madrid. During the nine weeks there, I had the opportunity to learn from a fantastic faculty team the following technologies: Javascript (ES6), HTML5 CSS3 and the MERN stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node).

My background is in graphic design and advertising, where I had the opportunity to work for more than a decade as an art director in different industries. As a graphic designer, I learned that nothing beats the feeling of identifying a problem and coming up with a solution to it. Web development allows me to exercise my creativity and gives me almost endless resources to transform ideas into realities. It almost feels like magic to me!

This principle motivated me to shift my career toward web development, and so far, it has been a fantastic journey, packed with all kinds of emotions where I learn something new every day. To achieve this, I had to challenge myself continuously and push myself out of my comfort zone. I am really excited about continuing my personal and career growth!

When I am not busy coding or designing, I love to go outdoors and enjoy nature with my bicycle, ride my motorbike or enjoy a good meal with my buddies.

-My Hard Skills-

- Front-End -

My favorite languages and technologies for front-end web proprogramming.

- Back-End -

My preferred technologies for back-end web programming.

- Tools -

My favorite tools for version control and code editing.

-Featured Projects-

Marchando Website


Marchando is your go-to site for last-minute restaurant bookings. To develop this web application, I use all the skills I have equipped myself with at Ironhack. Marchando was conceptualised, designed and developed together with my classmate Alex Alcaide. Marchando is a SPA application developed on React and Node. We have integrated Google Maps API for this project and managed the media content with Cloudinary.

Check it out!
Two Wheels

Two Wheels

My intermediate project at Ironhack. The main goal here was to set the foundations related to all the backend technology we had learned. The objective was to implement CRUD and to start experimenting with all APIs-related.

Check it out!
Gravity Hack Website

Gravity Hack

In my first project at Ironhack, I designed and developed this game only two weeks into the boot camp. To do so, we used HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript hosted in Github Pages. We achieved an interactive format with a very sleek design. Go ahead and test it for yourself; dare to defy gravity with the help of Sir Isaac Newton himself!

Check it out!
Personal Website

Personal Website

I started this project months before I joined Ironhack. Now, with all my newly enhanced and acquired skills, I had the opportunity to dramatically improve it and take it to the next level by refactoring the code and structuring it in a much more clean manner.

Check it out!